21 February, 2025

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarship In Germany 2025 (Fully Funded)

Application is invited to apply for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarship In Germany 2025. This is a fully-funded German scholarship for an international student to study in Master’s, bachelor’s, or Ph.D. programs in any university and technical college in Germany.

You can apply for almost any subject. Please note that depending on the funding program, you can only apply for a certain number of semesters. There are also deadlines for first-year students in their first semester and Master’s students for basic funding for Germans and foreign students.

After the degree program, the 12-month internship program is also included in this scholarship for the subsidies. You can also apply if you have already received or are applying for BAföG or a Deutschlandstipendium. However, as soon as you are accepted into the FES study grant, other grants must end, since double grants are not possible.

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarship

  • University/Institute: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung 
  • Degree level: Bachelor, Master & Ph.D. 
  • Eligible countries: Both international and overseas students are eligible 
  • Country: Germany
  • Deadline: On Going (Can be applied at any time)

Also Check: University of Saskatchewan Scholarships in Canada 2025 (Fully Funded)

Financial Benefits

The scholarship covered the following Benefits for the students

The scholarship student will receive €850 per month including the children  Depending on the applicants, they may also receive €71 for health insurance  The scholarship does not provide a repair facility

For subsidies, full tuition fees, international health insurance,  travel expenses,  research stays, and language courses are included in the scholarship  The 12-month internship is also included in this scholarship for subsidies.

Also Check: Monbukagakusho MEXT Japanese Government Scholarship 2025 (Fully Funded)

Eligibility Criteria

There are Eligibility Criteria for the students 

Both international and overseas students can apply for this scholarship  Those with refugee status can also be eligible. Those candidates who previously had a German university scholarship are not eligible for this scholarship.

Students who are actively participating in student council, youth work, NGOs, or other political organizations participants will also be eligible.

How To Apply

If you are eligible for this scholarship, you can apply easily through an online application form. The Foundation will request your additional documents through email. Before the deadline, you just need to submit the application form. For more information visit here.

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Also Check: Alberta University Scholarships In Canada 2025 (Fully Funded)



    1. Opportunity Portal Post author Reply

      Please visit official website. you can found Link of official website at the end of post.

  1. Chernet Lemma Eshetie Reply

    Name=Chernet Lemma Eshetie
    Profession=Master in Integrated emergency Gynecology obstetrics and General surgery
    Work experience =Seven years
    Working at=Rural Government primary hospital
    Interest=Helping others,doing any life saving surgical procedures,reading medical books,admire nature
    Special gift=surgical skill
    Hope=Since I am leaving in a resource limited country I cant exercise fully and learn to the level of my medical school interest
    Special interest=Learn and do laparascopic surgery

  2. Chernet Lemma Eshetie Reply

    I am really happy if I joined to your company and believe me how much you will save the lives of those innocent communities after completion of my medical education

  3. Chernet Lemma Eshetie Reply

    I am happy to join your company in medicine.I am master in integrated emergency gynecology, obstetrics and general surgery.I would like to learn laparascopic surgery and help innocent communities in Ethiopia.But I dont have money to learn with my sponsorship

  4. Adinew Mecha Kuda Reply

    Full name, Adinew Mecha Kuda
    Age, 34
    Sex, Male
    Nationality, Ethiopian
    Profession, Geographic Information Science /GIS/ BSc
    Work experience , Ten years
    currently working , Addis Ababa city Administration
    Interest, Helping others, doing any professional and non professional works, reading spiritual scriptures
    Hope, to be an expert of GIS
    Special interest, Learning and doing some thing on time.

    1. Adinew Mecha Kuda Reply

      My name is Adinew Mecha Kuda from Addis Ababa Ethiopia. I have bachelor degree in Geographic Information Science from Hawassa University, so I want to study MSc progrma in Geographic Information Science itsel or any related field.

  5. Yelewonomah Sansah Reply

    I am a 3rd year student of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology reading Bachelor of Science in food science and Technology . I would like to continue with master’s degree in food nutrition and safety over there in Germany and is great to discover this opportunity.

  6. Dinayas Degu Desissa Reply

    My name is Dinayas Degu Desissa I am Ethiopian.
    I have bachelor degree in food processing engineering from Addis Ababa science and technology university and I want to learn MSC in food security and nutrition.

  7. Abdishakur Reply

    I am Abdishakur mohamed from somalia , I have bachelor degree of civil engineering from IoT of Hawassa University ethiopia.
    I want to learn MSc of Architecture.

  8. Utne Enoch Reply

    My name is Utne Enoch, from Papua New Guinea. I am doing my 3rd year of study in fisheries marine resources at the Papua New Guinea University of Natural Resources and Environment. I want to do another undergraduate degree in genetic engineering.

  9. Stanley Anthony Reply

    My name is Stanley from an African country. I am studying electrical and electronics engineering and I want to learn and study more to get a bachelor’s degree

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