13 March, 2025

How To Become An EU Citizen: Everything You Need To Know

The European Union is a union of 28 countries that share a common currency, the Euro. With over 500 million citizens living in Europe, the EU is one of the largest global economies and has more than 500 million citizens eligible to become EU citizens. In this article, we’ll cover what you need to know about becoming an EU citizen and how easy it is.

Europe has an immigration problem

The EU is struggling with its immigration problem.

In fact, it’s one of the biggest challenges facing Europe today—and it’s not going away anytime soon. As you may know, Europe has been overwhelmed by an influx of migrants who come to seek asylum or jobs in Europe because they are fleeing war, poverty, and political instability in their home countries.

While many people welcome them with open arms as refugees fleeing violence and persecution (the United Nations estimates that some 60 million people across Africa and Asia have been displaced), others see them as economic migrants exploiting social welfare programs such as welfare payments from European countries like Germany who have pledged to accept 20% more refugees than they did last year; most importantly though…

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You might be eligible for a passport

If you’re eligible to become an EU citizen, it’s likely that you’ll need a passport from an EU country. The following are some of the most common ways in which people qualify for a passport:

  • You have at least one grandparent who was born in an EU country (unless your parents were also born in another country). This can be either your mother or father, but not both.
  • Your parents were citizens of an EU member state when they got married (or divorced).
  • You have lived continuously in one member state for five consecutive years at any point after turning 18 years old and before applying for naturalization as part of its national asylum process; this includes stays outside of their home state during these periods as well as visits back home between different countries’ borders

Figure out if you’re eligible by using the Eurostat website

To find out if you’re eligible, use the Eurostat website. You need to be a citizen of a country that is in the EU, and you must have lived in an EU country for at least five years. If you are married to an EU citizen and your husband/wife has been living with you for at least three years (and doesn’t own their own property), then it’s possible for both of your spouses to apply for citizenship together as well!

It’s also worth noting that children born on or after May 1st, 2004 are automatically granted citizenship upon reaching adulthood; however, if they fail to register within 30 days after turning 18 years old then they may lose their right forever unless they take steps such as applying again later down the road when time allows them access again – which makes sense given how long these processes take sometimes…

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If you are, start applying

If you are, start applying

Get a passport. You need to apply for an EU citizenship card as well, which means that you can collect your residence permit and travel documents in one step. Your passport will be your key to all of this – if it’s lost or stolen, it may not be enough for you to return home.

Apply for citizenship (and renew it). This is easy: simply go to the relevant embassy or consulate office in your area with identification documents proving that you are eligible (or will be once EU law has been implemented). It’s best if these include at least one photo of yourself since they’ll use this during the application process; they’ll also ask some questions about why exactly do want to become an EU citizen.

Do you think you’re ineligible? Think again

How many people do you know who have been living in the UK for decades, yet haven’t applied for citizenship? If you’re one of them, then it’s likely that you were ineligible. But don’t worry! You can still become eligible to apply for citizenship even if your family has spent years here already.

To be eligible to apply for British citizenship through naturalization (the process by which people who are not born or naturalized as British citizens can become ‘homegrown’ and gain full rights), at least one parent must have been born abroad with at least one grandparent being from an EU country. This means that if either parent or grandparent had lived in another European nation before moving to England then they may still be able to apply after all—even if their own birth certificates state otherwise.”

It’s relatively easy to become an EU citizen.

Becoming an EU citizen is relatively easy. You must meet certain requirements and pass tests, but these are not difficult to achieve. The process can take years and will cost you quite a bit of money.

The first step in becoming an EU citizen is to go through your country’s immigration office (or embassy) and complete paperwork on the basis of which your application will be processed by the European Commission; this requires proof that:

  • You have been living in one of the 28 countries for five years or more; OR
  • At least four out of five years have passed since your date of birth; OR
  • You were born before 1 July 1995 and have lived continuously since then (in other words, no periods where you had no legal residence).


If you want to become an EU citizen, it’s relatively easy. The process takes a few months and is relatively straightforward. You need to fill out some paperwork, get your fingerprints taken, wait for your passport application to be processed, and then wait again until finally being granted citizenship.

This can be done in person at a local embassy or consulate or online by filling out the appropriate form on their website.

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