8 March, 2025

Should I Study a Master’s Degree Right After a Bachelor’s or Later?

Are you about to graduate with your bachelor’s degree or have you already graduated? What’s Next? I guess we can all agree on the importance of a master’s degree (major in a subject that interests you, cultural exposure, all that jazz).

So let’s talk time: should you study for a master’s degree right after you graduate with your bachelor’s degree? Or should you wait a few years and then go back to being a student?

There is no perfect answer to this question, so I made 2 lists: one with reasons to do a master’s right after a bachelor’s degree and another with reasons to wait and do a master’s after a few years.

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Reasons To Study A Master’s Right After Graduating Your Bachelor’s

You are younger and have more energy.

I think this is the most important reason for an initial master’s degree. There are many people who delay their master’s degree to start working, earn a salary, get an apartment, have a family, and so on until the delay becomes infinite.

After you graduate, you will find energy and motivation more easily. You’ll still be used to going to class, doing homework, and studying for tests without the constant nuisance in the back of your mind that you have other things to do and must juggle a thousand things at once.

It will help you better define your goals and objectives.

Most of us decided to get a bachelor’s degree when we were young, wild, and free, so it’s no wonder some changed careers during their studies.

Students generally don’t care about jobs and careers in the early years of a bachelor’s degree, so the shock that they don’t really like their job or the direction their careers are taking can be like a bucket of cold water.

Choosing a master’s degree will help you get an overview of the subject you have chosen, the field you are in, your personality and character, and better outline your purposes, goals, and aspirations.

You can study and grow with your own generation.

There’s no denying there’s a huge generation gap, even between freshmen and sophomores, but think of the chasm that would grow between you and those pesky kids who won’t be getting up off your lawn in a few years.

Studies show that the younger the generation, the smarter it is, so everything will get harder as time goes on: from understanding and impressing a professor with your how-to seminars to getting a scholarship in your field.

Also, getting an MBA at an earlier stage and with no experience in your life can mean you’ll be able to shadow professors or lecturers, gain an inside look at your chosen industry, and get to Slytherin more easily.

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Reasons to study for a master’s degree later in life

You will get more experience than the rest.

The biggest advantage of a post-master’s degree is that you already have work experience and you have a path and a clearer idea of ​​what you want than those damn kids who always listen to your music too loud.

The classes will be easier to understand, with lots of hands-on training to support you. You can also get more of the same classes that would have meant nothing just a few years ago.

You will know what you are looking for

A master’s degree means you want to specialize in something. Knowing what you want, you’ll be able to explore the curriculum and choose useful classes, not just the ones with funny names and the ones that give you the easiest A (or 10, 6, or 1, depending on each grading system).

The easiest way to change careers

Let’s say you have a job and want to do a master’s degree. You can easily take a break for your master’s degree and then decide if your old job was really what you wanted or if it would be better to change careers, based on everything you’ve learned.

Even better is finding out that your work was already amazing and you will come back with more knowledge and better ways to implement everything you studied.

In short, the timing of your Master’s is a very personal decision, and only you know when you’re ready or feel like going back to school. I can’t give you any advice (for fear of being sued), just this: think carefully before deciding, and good luck with your master’s degree!

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