16 February, 2025

List of Saudi Arabia Scholarships In 25 Universities (Fully Funded)

Saudi Arabia offers several scholarships for international students. The Saudi Universities and Saudi Government Scholarships for BachelorsMasters, and Ph.D. Degree Programs. In this article, we will discuss the scholarships offered at the best Saudi universities, their benefits, and the application process in detail.

There are more than 1000 scholarships available at top universities in Saudi Arabia. Each of these scholarships offers an average monthly stipend of $1,500, as well as tuition fees, housing costs, medical insurance, and travel expenses.

Take advantage of fully-funded scholarships to study at top universities such as Medina Islamic University, King Abdulaziz University, and many others.

Saudi Arabia Fully Funded Scholarship

  • Country of Scholarship: Saudi Arabia
  • Eligible Nationalities: All Countries
  • Deadline: Different for Each Scholarship
  • Degree: Bachelor, Masters, PhD

Financial Benefits

Medical care for you and your family members living with you in Saudi Arabia. Accommodation and annual travel tickets. Economic scholarships when you come to study and after you graduate. All benefits are enjoyed by Saudi students from the same institution.

Supervised unit of the educational institution, which assists scholarship students.
Scientific, cultural, social, and media programs. Support from academic staff to obtain the appropriate academic orientation and advice. Intangible and material incentives for outstanding students.

King Abdulaziz University Scholarships

For international students, the King Abdulaziz Scholarships are fully-funded undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral scholarships. Round-trip airfare, monthly stipend, accommodation, and medical assistance are included in the scholarship.

King Abdullah University Scholarship

The King Abdullah University Scholarship in Saudi Arabia is a Fully Funded Scholarship opportunity. 

1Umm Al-Qura  Universitywww.uqu.edu.saUniversity Scholarship page
2Islamic Universitywww.iu.edu.saUniversity Scholarship page
3Imam Muhammad bin Sa’ud Islamic Universitywww.iu.edu.saUniversity Scholarship page
4King Sa’ud Universitywww.ksu.edu.saUniversity Scholarship page
6King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineralswww.kfupm.edu.saUniversity Scholarship page
7King Faisal Universitywww.kfu.edu.sa
8King Khalid Universitywww.porta1.kku.edu.saUniversity Scholarship page
9Qassim Universitywww.qu.edu.saUniversity Scholarship page
10Taibah Universitywww.taibahu.edu.sa
11Taif Universitywww.tu.edu.sa
12Hail Universitywww.uoh.edu.sa
13Jazan Universitywww.jazanu.edu.saUniversity Scholarship page
14Al-Jouf Universitywww.ju.edu.saUniversity Scholarship page
15Al-Baha Universitywww.portal.bu.edu.sa
16University of Tabukwww.ut.edu.saUniversity Scholarship page
17Najran Universitywww.nu.edu.saUniversity Scholarship page
18Northrn Border Universitywww.nbu.saUniversity Scholarship page
19Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman Universitywww.pnu.edu.sa
20University of Dammamwww.ud.edu.saUniversity Scholarship page
21Prince Satam Bin AbdulAziz Universitywww.psau.edu.sa
22Shaqraa Universitywww.su.edu.saUniversity Scholarship page
23Al-Majma’ah Universitywww.mu.edu.saUniversity Scholarship page

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  1. Ashenafi Daba Hirpa Reply

    I have Bachelor degree in Chemical engineering from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia top university, and I have been studying development management as Masters of Art,MA, at Oromia state University.If I may to get to study abroad for further studying,I would like to apply.

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