12 March, 2025

Top 7 Summer Exchange Program For International Student (Fully Funded)

A huge number of exchange programs and summer school programs are offered to international students every around at foreign universities worldwide. A student exchange program in which a student from college/university studies abroad with their partner institutions. A summer school program in which a student attends a short-term conference or internship at foreign countries or universities.

The most popular and exciting way to experience studying abroad is through an exchange program or summer school. For the uninitiated, the exchange program is where local universities student study abroad during the local school term. On the other hand summer school is a short period program to attend short lessons or skills.

The duration of the Student exchange program is typically one semester, however, some universities give the opportunity to the student to extend their program up to two-semester. As the name suggests summer school programs are typically held during summer vacation and the duration of the program is no more than 1 month.

Today we explain the top student exchange programs and summer programs or international paid internships that offer to a foreign students.

List of Fully Funded Summer Exchange Program

#1. Vienna Biocenter Summer School

Vienna Biocenter Summer School provide an incredible opportunity to 30 undergraduate/bachelor level student to research side by side with world tops researcher in the field of Bioengineering. The aim of this paid summer program is to attract international students and create a vibrant and excellent research environment.

This is a perfect opportunity for those students who are interned in the field of life science. This is a fully-funded paid summer program and the successful applicant will receive a travel allowance, accommodation, living expenses, and a monthly stipend during the scholarship period. The duration of Viena summer school is from Wednesday, July 1 to August 28, 2020.

Vienna Biocenter Summer School Application Link

#2. ACU Summer School

ACU Summer School 2020 is designed for senior university students. It is a small friendly invited and 40 student participants. The fully-funded summer program is open for master’s and doctoral students and final year students of the bachelor program. ACU member countries and non-members both are welcome for this Summer program in Africa.

This summer program is open for all students in any academic field. ACU summer program offers full support to international students during the program period. The support includes accommodation, travel expenses, Meal and health, and insurance Expenses. However, if you want to join this program you have to pay registration fees. £400 for ACU member countries students and £500 for Non-member countries students.

ACU Summer Program Application Link

#3. SUSI Student Leaders Program

Bachelor-level student in Pakistan who are interested in the topic of public, local, state and federal policymaking is invited to study in the USA through the short-term SUSI student program 2020. The SUSI program will be held at the University of Massachusetts from late January to early august 2020. This short-term program is purely an academic program for Pakistani students.

The aim of this program is to enhance mutual understanding between Pakistani and USA students. SUSI student leader program will bring 30 undergraduate Pakistani students and 15 US students to this program. This is another fully-funded short-term exchange program for Pakistani students. All expenses and accommodation costs at the University of Massachusetts will be covered by SUSI.

SUSI Leader Program Application Link

#4. Young Leader Access Program

The program is based on 3 phases: MCW Young Leader Access Program 2020 invited young people from 18 to 26 who have an interest and passion to change something in local communities by obtaining the needed skill and transforming that skills into action. The MCW exchange program is based on three-phase.

First is the summer program seond Vision Planning: Project  Development and third is Alumni Mentorship and Ongoing Support. MCW summer program will continue for 10 days in new york city. MCW Vision Planning project Alumni Mentorship & duration of 12 months. MCW program is fully funded and all expenses of international students are covered by the MCW leader program.

Young Leade Summer Exchange Program Link

#5. IWP Summer Exchange Program

IWP Summer Exchange Program 2020 is a two-week writing and culture exchange program for Pakistani and Indian students in Iowa City USA. The applicant from 18 to 22 from these countries with any academic background in art humanities to science and engineering is welcome to apply for the USA summer exchange program. This program will focus on creative writing and is free for the selected applicants.

The selected candidates will collaborate together on the craft of writing, creative work, a design new line of understanding between the community of writers. 10 Applicants from each country will be selected for the program. Initial there is no passport required for both country’s students.

IWP Summer Program Link

#6. Hansen Leadership Summer Exchange Program

The Hansen Summer Institute for Leadership is now open for the summer exchange program 2020. The Hansen summer fellowing offer opportunity to the USA and international student to build better leadership skills and a cultural understanding environment for the future. The Hansen exchange program will be held in San Diego, CA, and open for both foreign and USA students from the age of 20-25

This 3 weeks summer exchange program is open for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students with any academic background. This is a fully-funded fellowship opportunity funded by the Fred J. Hansen Foundation.

Hansen Fellowship Program Link

#7. IFA CrossCulture Program

The CrossCulture Programme (CCP) provides an opportunity for international students to think outside of cultural boxes. Every year the IFA CCP program invited 80 international candidates from the host organizations in Germany or 35 organizations partnership countries to gain experience in cultural, science, scientific research and work together. The aim of a fully funded Germany CCP summer exchange program is to strengthen relations between Germany and countries across the globe.

The CCP exchange program theme in different fields including Policy and society, Media and culture, Human rights and peace, Sustainable development. This is a fully-funded opportunity for an international student to gain experience in different fields of topic and support from CCP includes round trip air ticket, Full accommodation, living expenses in Germany, meal and visa-related expenses.

CCP Exchange Program Link

If you found these articles helpful please tell us in a comment. If you need any additional help regarding the summer exchange program don’t hesitate to share with us. Also Check: Sky Global Internship In Turkey 2022 (Fully Funded)


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