26 March, 2025

Global Youth Adaptation Summit In the Netherlands (Funded)

Application is invited to apply for Global Youth Adaptation Summit In the Netherlands. Young people all around the world are gathering in Rotterdam to shape the Global Goal on Adaptation. Applications are open to young people interested in shaping the international adaptation agenda and learning from young leaders from around the world.

Participants of the two-day program will join capacity-building workshops in the field of leadership and adaptation, and follow keynote speeches by experts in the field of climate action. The Summit will be concluded with a shared meal by young leaders and high-level dignitaries in the field of international diplomacy.  

Global Youth Adaptation Summit

  • Host Country: Netherlands Universities
  • Eligible Degree: Graduate, Postgraduate, Undergraduate
  • Deadline: 10 July 2022

Also Check: Kyushu University KDDI Foundation Scholarship In Japan 2023 (Fully Funded)


The Global Youth Adaptation Summit aims to: 

Promote the consideration of youth inputs in the review of the Global Goal on Adaptation by bringing together young leaders and decision-makers. 

Facilitate the exchange of young people’s experiences in adaptation action, advocacy, and policy-making from around the world. 

Accelerate adaptation action by showcasing youth-led climate-resilient solutions, including the YouthAdapt winners. 


For participants living outside of the Netherlands and within Europe, there are several scholarships available to cover accommodation and travel to the Summit. Those interested in being considered for a fully-funded spot can register their interest in the application form. 

Also Check: Chatham University Pennsylvania USA Scholarship 2023 (Funded)

Eligibility criteria 

The applicant must be between the age of 18-35 at the time of application. If selected, the applicant must be available to fully attend the program.

Must be available to take part in 1 virtual preparatory call in August 2022. Participants joining in person must be able to communicate in English.

Key Dates 

10th July 2022: Deadline to submit an application for participation 
1st August 2022: Announcement of selected candidates 
August 2022: Preparatory meeting 
3rd – 4th September: Global Youth Adaptation Summit

Application is open through the form at the top of this page. The deadline for application is 10th July 2022

How To Apply

The event will have a hybrid format with an in-person gathering in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The working language will be English. For participants joining online interpretation could be provided. For more information https://gca.org/events/global-youth-adaptation-summit-youth-united-in-accelerating-climate-adaptation/

Also Check: Google Summer Internship Program 2023 (Online Applications)


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